Wednesday 9 November 2011

What Are Landing Pages For?

A Landing or Capture Page is the "front door" to YOUR Web World,  where visitors will decide - do I or do I not accept the offer, being given here or move on?

The page content MUST be an easy to read and short summary about you,  along with a photograph to allow people a means to make an informed decision about the person they are dealing with.  When you are promoting YOU,  a page without a photograph of you (decent quality) no silhouettes,  dark shadow or hard to see type of shots  should be used.  You need something that is flattering while aiming to re-assure and not deceive those visitors who are seeing you for the first time.  Plus,  and perhaps importantly,  a FREE offer to entice the person to take a closer look and submit the information required.

The Landing Page is therefore simply going to perform ONE TASK and one task only,  which is to collect the name and e-mail,  plus Skype ID (optional but desirable).

I am NOT trying to provide any in depth information about My business but simply wanting to say,  I am looking to connect with you on the basis of 2 or 3 Bullet points listed and the offer I make which indicates my intention to share my online experience in the field to you.  To add more than that is going to be attempting the impossible and the likely failure in succeeding with the task to get the name of the viewer.

But where do these names and e-mails that I have collected go?  I hear you ask.  

A.  They are stored in the opt-in list that is driven by your Autoresponder.  

You have a  choice of many vendors of which Autoresponder you use and you are welcome to select whichever is affordable for you.
You may be familiar with the name of some such as AweberGetresponse or Trafficwave - all have a cost and intrinsically do most of what we want but with a number of variables in terms of the monthly,  numbers of subscribers you may handle and limitations to how you may contact and broadcast to.

A complete system in one package

Friday 11 March 2011

Everybody Loves ThatFreeThing!!

Network Marketing has quite a number of challenges to overcome and the mention of overpriced products driven by greedy manufacturers looking to make a quick buck out of a none too special product remains one of the most common bugbears.  So on that basis when someone comes along with an opportunity to make money from FREE stuff the warning signs start flagging very early in the perception stakes.  In the course of  doing your due diligence when considering That Free Thing the question has to be asked "How do you make money from a FREE product?"  - well in truth the answer is you can actually join the business as a FREE member while taking the benefits of the offers too,   but by becoming a PAID member you then can access the whole range depending on your location.  The business intends to add more territories to the range presently available so as you can join and create an income from anywhere globally and then find that you have a team ready built to take advantage of the offers that are presented on the site.

The scope for growth is quite phenomenal and the business has major plans to roll out offers across many continents,  as long as you are a member FREE or PAID you have a chance to win with That Free Thing.

Come to our daily conference calls @ 3pm,  6pm and 9.30pm ET That Free Thing Conference

Monday 28 February 2011

"You can have everything in life you want, if you help enough other people get what they want" Zig Ziglar